I'm trying to apply some CSS to my subclass of DialogBox via ClientBundle. When inspecting the DOM I can see an obfuscated class-name got added (class="gwt-DialogBox GF2AVPFBPD") but it does not bear/apply any propertes/changes...
class RegistrationDialog
extends DialogBox
interface MyClientBundle
extends ClientBundle
MyCssResource css();
interface MyCssResource
extends CssResource
String registrationDialog();
MyClientBundle myClientBundle = GWT.create(MyClientBundle.class);
background-image: url("logo.png") !important;
开发者_StackOverflow中文版 background-color: red !important;
color: red !important;
font-size: xx-large !important;
What am I missing please?
You're forgetting to call CssResource.ensureInjected(). From the documentation;
At runtime, call CssResource.ensureInjected() to inject the contents of the stylesheet.
- This method is safe to call multiple times, as subsequent invocations will be a no-op.
- The recommended pattern is to call ensureInjected() in the static initializer of your various widget types
Check out the answer on this question for more code info.