I found a method to manually publish a regular WPF Application, but i need the same instructions for a WPF Browser app instead. Here is the regular WPF App howto: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xc3tc5xx(VS.80).aspx . If anyone knows what changes I need to make to my mage开发者_StackOverflow commands to make it work for XBAP please let me know. Thanks.
I had to alter the name of the default "Application Files" folder for one of our customers who doesn't like spaces in file or folder names and this meant re-signing the xbap after the publish. Here's the msbuild script I use to automate the process:
<Target Name="PublishWebsite" DependsOnTargets="CleanWebsiteOutputPath;CleanOutputPath;CleanWebsiteReleasePath">
<!-- Compile Website -->
<MSBuild Projects=".\Some.Namespace.Web.Site\Some.Namespace.UI.Web.Site.csproj" Targets="Clean;Rebuild;" Properties="Configuration=Release" />
<!-- Copy Website files to release folder -->
<SiteFiles Include="Some.Namespace.UI.Web.Site/**/*.*" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(SiteFiles)" DestinationFolder="..\rel\Website\%(RecursiveDir)" />
<!-- Remove source code and source control files from website -->
<CallTarget Targets="CleanWebsiteAfterPublish" />
<Message Text="Website Published" />
<!-- Rename "Application Files" folder and re-sign the xbap -->
<StringReplace Pattern="\." InputString="$(ApplicationVersion)" Replace="_">
<Output PropertyName="VersionUnderscored" TaskParameter="Result" />
<MSBuild Projects=".\Some.Namespace.UI.WPF\Some.Namespace.UI.WPF.csproj" Targets="Publish" Properties="Configuration=Release;" />
<Exec Command="move "..\bin\Release\app.publish\Application Files" "..\bin\Release\app.publish\ApplicationFiles"" />
<Exec Command="$(MageExe) -update ..\bin\Release\app.publish\SomeApp.xbap –AppManifest ..\bin\Release\app.publish\ApplicationFiles\SomeApp_$(VersionUnderscored)\SomeApp.exe.manifest -wpf true -cf ..\ext\Signing\SomeApp.pfx -pwd password" />
<!-- Move published files to Release directory -->
<XbapPublishFiles Include="..\bin\Release\app.publish\**\*.*" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(XbapPublishFiles)" DestinationFiles="@(XbapPublishFiles->'..\rel\Website\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
<Message Text="XBAP Published" />