My dictionary declared as below
public static Dictionary<object, DataInfo> DataDic = new Dictionary<object, DataInfo>();
public class DataInfo
开发者_如何转开发 public string DSPER; // Data Sample Period
public int TOTSMP; // Total Samples to be made
public int REPGSZ; // Report Group Size
public List<int> IDList; // Array List to collect all the enabled IDs
Function InitDataDic
Called below, How can I write the code of the dictionary .Remove()
and .Add()
after reassign tdi.TOTSMP = 0 under true
condition in a simply way.
public void InitDataDic (object objid, DataInfo datainfo, int totsmp)
DataInfo tdi = new DataInfo();
object trid = objid;
tdi = datainfo;
if (DataDic.ContainsKey(trid) == true)
DataDic.Remove(trid); // here, i mentioned above
tdi.TOTSMP = 0;
DataDic.Add(trid, tdi); // here, i mentioned above
tdi.TOTSMP = topsmp;
DataDic.Add(trid, tdi);
You don't have to add/remove from dictionary if you want to update the object (of ref type) in dictionary - just update the object.
if (DataDic.TryGetValue(trid, out tdi)
// already exists in dict, tdi will be initialized with ref to object from dict
tdi.TOTSMP = 0; // update tdi