
ASP.NET MVC - ActionFilterAttribute to validate POST data

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-09 15:43 出处:网络
Actually I have an application that is using a WebService to retrieve some clients information. So I was validating the login information inside my ActionResult like:

Actually I have an application that is using a WebService to retrieve some clients information. So I was validating the login information inside my ActionResult like:

public ActionResult ClientLogin(FormCollection collection)
    if(Client.validate(collect开发者_如何学Cion["username"], collection["password"]))
        Session["username"] = collection["username"];
        Session["password"] = collection["password"];
        return View("valid");
       Session["username"] = "";
       Session["password"] = "";
       return View("invalid");

Where Client.Validate() is a method that returns a boolean based on the information provided on the POST username and password

But I changed my mind and I would like to use that nice ActionFilterAttributes at the beginning of the method so it will just be rendered if the Client.validate() return true, just the same as [Authorize] but with my custom webservice, so I would have something like:

//Pass Posted username and password to ValidateAsClient Class
//If returns true render the view
public ActionResult ClientLogin()
    return View('valid')

and then inside the ValidateAsClient I would have something like:

public class ValidateAsClient : ActionFilterAttribute
    public string username { get; set; }
    public string password { get; set; }

    public Boolean ValidateAsClient()
        return Client.validate(username,password);

So my problem is, I don't know exactly how to make it work, because I don't know how to pass the POSTED information to the [ValidateAsClient(username=postedUsername,password=postedPassword)] and also, how could I make the function ValidateAsClient work properly?

I hope this is easy to understand Thanks in advance

Something like this probably:

public sealed class ValidateAsClientAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    private readonly NameValueCollection formData;
    public NameValueCollection FormData{ get { return formData; } }

    public ValidateAsClientAttribute (NameValueCollection formData)
        this.formData = formData;

    public override void OnActionExecuting
               (ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        string username = formData["username"];
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
        // you get the idea

And use it like this:


You should override the following method.

public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)

And from the context object, access your post data.

I don't think it's a good idea to use an ActionFilterAttribute in this case. And what you want to do is definitely not the same as Authorize attribute does.

The Authorize attribute just injects a common logic into a controller/action. Which is :

Redirect to login page, if the user is not logged in. Else let the action be executed.

Your ClientLogin action does just what it's supposed to do at the moment.
It would be a bad design to carry that logic over to an ActionFilterAttribute.

I would solve this problem with a custom binder in ASP.NET MVC.

Suppose your action will have the following signature.

public ActionResult MyAction(MyParameter param)
    return View("valid");
    return View("invalid");

MyParam class:

    public class MyParameter
      public string UserName{get;set;}
      public string Password {get;set;}

      public bool isValid
        //check if password and username is valid.


An then the custom binder

public class CustomBinder:IModelBinder
 public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
           var p = new MyParam();
           // extract necessary data from the bindingcontext like
           p.UserName = bindingContext.ValueProvider["username"] != null
                        ? bindingContext.ValueProvider["username"].AttemptedValue
                        : "";
          //initialize other attributes.


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