
Hash tables in MATLAB

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-13 06:16 出处:网络
Does MATLAB have any support for hash tables? Some background I am working on a problem in Matlab that requires a scale-space representation of an image. To do this I create a 2-D Gaussian filter

Does MATLAB have any support for hash tables?

Some background

I am working on a problem in Matlab that requires a scale-space representation of an image. To do this I create a 2-D Gaussian filter with variance sigma*s^k for k in some range., and then I use each one in turn to filter the image. Now, I want some sort of mapping from k to the filtered image.

If k were always an integer, I'd simply create a 3D array such that:

arr[k] = <ima开发者_C百科ge filtered with k-th guassian>

However, k is not necessarily an integer, so I can't do this. What I thought of doing was keeping an array of ks such that:

arr[find(array_of_ks_ = k)] = <image filtered with k-th guassian>

Which seems pretty good at first thought, except I will be doing this lookup potentially a few thousand times with about 20 or 30 values of k, and I fear that this will hurt performance.

I wonder if I wouldn't be better served doing this with a hash table of some sort so that I would have a lookup time that is O(1) instead of O(n).

Now, I know that I shouldn't optimize prematurely, and I may not have this problem at all, but remember, this is just the background, and there may be cases where this is really the best solution, regardless of whether it is the best solution for my problem.

Consider using MATLAB's map class: containers.Map. Here is a brief overview:

  • Creation:

    >> keys = {'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', ...
      'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Annual'};
    >> values = {327.2, 368.2, 197.6, 178.4, 100.0,  69.9, ...
      32.3,  37.3,  19.0,  37.0,  73.2, 110.9, 1551.0};
    >> rainfallMap = containers.Map(keys, values)
    rainfallMap = 
      containers.Map handle
      Package: containers
            Count: 13
          KeyType: 'char'
        ValueType: 'double'
      Methods, Events, Superclasses
  • Lookup:

    x = rainfallMap('Jan');
  • Assign:

    rainfallMap('Jan') = 0;
  • Add:

    rainfallMap('Total') = 999;
  • Remove:

  • Inspect:

    values = rainfallMap.values;
    keys = rainfallMap.keys;
    sz = rainfallMap.size;
  • Check key:

    if rainfallMap.isKey('Today')

Matlab R2008b (7.7)’s new containers.Map class is a scaled-down Matlab version of the java.util.Map interface. It has the added benefit of seamless integration with all Matlab types (Java Maps cannot handle Matlab structs for example) as well as the ability since Matlab 7.10 (R2010a) to specify data types.

Serious Matlab implementations requiring key-value maps/dictionaries should still use Java’s Map classes (java.util.EnumMap, HashMap, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap or Hashtable) to gain access to their larger functionality if not performance. Matlab versions earlier than R2008b have no real alternative in any case and must use the Java classes.

A potential limitation of using Java Collections is their inability to contain non-primitive Matlab types such as structs. To overcome this, either down-convert the types (e.g., using struct2cell or programmatically), or create a separate Java object that will hold your information and store this object in the Java Collection.

You may also be interested to examine a pure-Matlab object-oriented (class-based) Hashtable implementation, which is available on the File Exchange.

You could use java for it.

In matlab:

dict = java.util.Hashtable;
dict.put('a', 1);
dict.put('b', 2);
dict.put('c', 3);

But you would have to do some profiling to see if it gives you a speed gain I guess...

Matlab does not have support for hashtables. EDIT Until r2010a, that is; see @Amro's answer.

To speed up your look-ups, you can drop the find, and use LOGICAL INDEXING.

arr{array_of_ks==k} = <image filtered with k-th Gaussian>


arr(:,:,array_of_ks==k) = <image filtered with k-th Gaussian>

However, in all my experience with Matlab, I've never had a lookup be a bottleneck.

To speed up your specific problem, I suggest to either use incremental filtering

arr{i} = GaussFilter(arr{i-1},sigma*s^(array_of_ks(i)) - sigma*s^(array_of_ks(i-1)))

assuming array_of_ks is sorted in ascending order, and GaussFilter calculates the filter mask size based on the variance (and uses, 2 1D filters, of course), or you can filter in Fourier Space, which is especially useful for large images and if the variances are spaced evenly (which they most likely aren't unfortunately).

It's a little clugey, but I'm surprised nobody has suggested using structs. You can access any struct field by variable name as struct.(var) where var can be any variable and will resolve appropriately.

dict.a = 1;
dict.b = 2;

var = 'a';

display( dict.(var) ); % prints 1

You can also take advantage of the new type "Table". You can store different types of data and get statistics out of it really easy. See http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/tables.html for more info.



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