I have this simple code to go through a 24bit color windows bmp file
BufferedImage mapa = BMPDecoder.read(new File("maps/map.bmp"));
final int xmin = mapa.getMinX();
final int ymin = mapa.getMinY();
final int ymax = ymin + mapa.getHeight();
final int xmax = xmin + mapa.getWidth();
for (int i = xmin;i<xmax;i++)
for (int j = ymin;j开发者_如何学编程<ymax;j++)
int pixel = mapa.getRGB(i, j);
if (pixel == 0)
System.out.println("black at "+i+","+j);
However, when testing on a completely black image, I get this value at pixel : -16777216
I was hoping to get a 0x0.
How can I test for black pixels (or any other color for that reason) ?
Im testing against ((pixel & 0xff) == 0)
. Is this right?
Thanks in advance.
is 0xFF000000
in hexadecimal, corresponding to opaque black.
Addendum: Looking at your update, I'd think you want ((pixel & 0x00FFFFFF) == 0)
as your predicate.