I have a C++/CLI based install application which needs to close another app I've written, replace the application's .exe and dlls and the re-run the executable.
First of all I need to close that window along the following lines:
HWND hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, windowTitle);
if( hwnd != NULL )
::SendMess开发者_如何学编程age(hwnd, (int)0x????, 0, NULL);
I.e. find a matching window title (which works) ...but then what message do I need send the remote window to ask it to close?
...or is there a more .net-ish way of donig this without resorting to the windows API directlry?
Bare in mind that I'm limited to .net 2.0
You can call WM_CLOSE
using SendMessage
[DllImport("User32.dll", EntryPoint = "SendMessage")]
public static extern int SendMessage(int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, ref COPYDATASTRUCT lParam);
See http://boycook.wordpress.com/2008/07/29/c-win32-messaging-with-sendmessage-and-wm_copydata/ for code sample.
Guidelines from MSDN
- Send
with the lParam set toENDSESSION_CLOSEAPP
. - Then send
with the same lParam. - If that doesn't work, send
In case anyone wants to follow the more .net-ish way of donig things, you can do the following:
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
array<Process^>^ processes = Process::GetProcessesByName("YourProcessName");
for each(Process^ process in processes)
process->CloseMainWindow(); // For Gui apps
process->Close(); // For Non-gui apps
Use WM_CLOSE. I was wrong.