I have the following configuration set in my factories.yml file...
class: Swift_SendmailTransport
command: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t
...to overcome the 'double dot' issue as described here.
When I run the following code...
$mailer = $this->getMailer();
$message = $mailer->compose();
...inside an action everything works as expected. But when I run the same code from inside a task, I get a fatal error - PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method getCommand
- because SwiftMailer is using the default transport class and not the Swift_SendmailTransport
class as specified in the factories.yml configuration.
Any ideas why the factories.yml configuration isn't loaded in a symfony task, and how I can go about solving this issue?
Your task doesn't know which application's factories.yml to load - even if you only have one app. You need to pass an application parameter like this:
php symfony namespace:task --application=frontend
To have a default app in your task, update your configure like this:
protected function configure()
new sfCommandOption('application', null, sfCommandOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED, 'The application name', 'frontend'),