I am trying to use the appcfg.sh in the GAE Java SDK to rollback a stuck (in progress) deployment. However the rollback is failing because I have an space character in the Folder name for the Project:
appengine-java-sdk-1.3.5/bin/appcfg.sh rollback "workspace/Crowded\ Intelligence/war/" (fails) appengine-java-sdk-1开发者_如何学编程.3.5/bin/appcfg.sh rollback 'workspace/Crowded\ Intelligence/war/' (fails) appengine-java-sdk-1.3.5/bin/appcfg.sh rollback workspace/Crowded\ Intelligence/war/ (fails)
Any thoughts on how I can get around this?
if you dont want to rename or renaming is not a solution for you, then you may do this:
cd /users/username/workspace/Crowded Intelligence/
now when in your project do
/users/username/downloads/appengine-java-sdk-1.3.5/bin/appcfg.sh rollback war
This way you dont mention the part with the space in it
To fix the issue I had to rename the project folder to remove the space character, and then perform the rollback.......