
Error when register provider Zend in Netbeans 6.9

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-12 15:08 出处:网络
I install : netbeans 6.9 on \'C:\\Program Files\\NetBeans 6.9\' xampp 1.7.2 on D:\\xampp i have upgrade zend through pear

I install :

  • netbeans 6.9 on 'C:\Program Files\NetBeans 6.9'
  • xampp 1.7.2 on D:\xampp
  • i have upgrade zend through pear

I follow the screencast and when clicking the Register Provider button. But I get message like this:

on create config tab

Successfully written Zend Tool config.
It is located at: \Documents and Settings\Permana/.zf.ini

on enable.config.provider NetbeansCommandsProvider

                        User has no 开发者_JS百科config file.                        
                          An Error Has Occurred                         
 Client has no persistent configuration.                                

Zend Framework Command Line Console Tool v1.10.7
Details for action "Enable" and provider "Config"
    zf enable config.manifest class-name
    zf enable config.provider class-name

And of course because of this error I cannot create zend project using netbeans. Did anyone know what is the problem?

Windows XP:

Make sure the environment variable ZF_HOME is set.

I found the soltution to this problem. Just delete the /home/username/.zf.ini and go to netbeans and register zendframework provider again. This will generate zf.ini file in your home directory with new path.

Yesterday I had the same problema. I wrote a post in my blog:


I found two solutions: either modify the file zf.ini in your profile, or copy the file NetBeansCommandsProvider.php in a path of include_path.

Ubuntu 10.10, NetBeans 6.9.1, Zend Framework 1.11


Edit PHP.ini include_path = ".:/opt/lampp/etc/library" ; Files "/opt/lampp/etc/library/Zend"

gedit /etc/profile

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/lampp/bin # Includer zf.php and zf.sh

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/lampp/etc/library

Remove zf.ini and register NetBeans provider again (from Tools > Options > PHP > Zend).

The above answers are correct, however in my case there was no zf.ini file under my user directory (using Windows 7). In that case you need to run two commands:

zf --setup storage-directory
zf --setup config-file

That will create your zf.ini file and the storage directory under your user directory. Source: here



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