I have wrote universal script to get all rows from Doctrine Table Models, but if rows amount is too large, i get exception:
Cannot define NULL as part of query when defining 'offset'.
Running script:
$table = new JV_Model_StoreOrder();
$this->data['lis开发者_Python百科t'] = $table->getTable()->findAll()->toArray();
I understand from the error above is due to the large number of entries in the table (> 20 000). So I decided to make a paginator to break records on the pages of 100 pieces.
Could you help me, how can I do something like that:
$total_amount = $table->getTable()->count();
$this->data['list'] = $table->getTable()->offset(0)->limit(100)
Doctrine has it's own Pagination component:
- http://www.doctrine-project.org/documentation/manual/1_0/ru/utilities:pagination
Example from Doctrine manual:
// Defining initial variables
$currentPage = 1;
$resultsPerPage = 50;
// Creating pager object
$pager = new Doctrine_Pager(
->from( 'User u' )
->leftJoin( 'u.Group g' )
->orderby( 'u.username ASC' ),
$currentPage, // Current page of request
$resultsPerPage // (Optional) Number of results per page. Default is 25