I'm beginner with iPhone and want to know how to add a view in a window based application.
I crate the application, then I added the ViewControler+XIB to my project. I include the .h file in both AppDelegate-Files.
Then I create a obje开发者_如何学Goct of the View "StartViewController" with
StartViewController *startView;
and add the property in the AppDelegate.h file:
@property (nonatomic, retain) StartViewController *startView;
In the AppDelegate.m I add:
@synthessize startViewController
and in the application method:
[window addSubview:startViewController.view];
But it doesn't appear when I start the application, what I forgot?
You're not allocating or initializing it anywhere that I can see. From what you're saying, it seems like you need to put in a
startView = [[StartViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"xib filename without dot xib" bundle:nil];
If this doesn't sound right, it may instead be that you aren't setting Interface Builder up right. How is the main window linking to this XIB / view controller of yours? Do you have it referenced as a view?
I'm beginner with iPhone and want to know how to add a view in a window based application
STEP 1: Open Xcode Create New Project Select Window Based Application.Name is Some x that is display two files xappdeligate.h and xappdelegate.m.
Step 2: in project click right button add ui view controller name is FirstViewController that is displays FirstViewController .h , FirstViewController .m
Step 3: In xappdeligate.h we have to write
FirstViewController *viewController;
define Property:
@property(nonatomic,retain)FirstViewController *viewController;
Step: 4
In xappdelegate.m we have to synthesize to them
@synthesize viewController;
allocate thememory:
viewController = [[FirstViewController alloc]init];
add view to the window:
[self.window addSubview:FirstViewController.view];
Step: 5
We should compulsary release the memory for this in
[window release];
[viewController release];
this is simple way to add view to the window.
Ur's Raffi 37...
Just connect the view with interface builder by dragging.
and still if you can't connect , here is link where a number of applications are provided to learn iPhone applications.