I have a maven application that looks like this
file.xml should be like this
<%= module1/src/main/resources/file_snippet.xml %>
<%= module2/src/main/resources/file_snippet.xml %>
I want to include the contents of file_snippet.xml from module2 and module2 into file.xml of module3 before the build. Is that possible in maven? Is there some sort of templating language or plugin I can use?
This is not easy, there are two parts you need to implement.
- get the snippets from the other module
- assemble the xml file using the include
for 1. you can use the dependency:unpack mojo:
Now you have copied all snippets from module1.jar/snippets and module2.jar/snippets to target/snippets (this was the easier part).
For 2. you need to pick a template engine and create a main class to assemble your template with it, probably using the exec:java mojo something like this:
(Personally, I tend to use GMaven instead of exec:java, as you can write inline groovy scripts without creating custom java classes)
I would like to know about some template engine for maven too, but maybe you don't need maven at first for that.
There is a way to include another xml file in a xml file : http://bobcat.webappcabaret.net/javachina/faq/xml_01.htm#dtd_Q408
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE root [
<!ENTITY xmlfrag SYSTEM "xmlfrag.txt" >
<!ELEMENT root (tag1, tag2) >
<!ELEMENT tag1 (childtag) >
<!ELEMENT tag2 (childtag) >
<!ELEMENT childtag (#PCDATA) >
xmlfrag.txt(well formed xml fragment without xml decl)
<childtag att="child1">text1</childtag>
<childtag att="child2">text2</childtag>
else, for merging xml resources between dependencies/modules in maven, you can use maven-shade-plugin (with the resource transformer).
In your case :
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.XmlAppendingTransformer">
<!-- Add this to enable loading of DTDs
to merge module1/src/main/resources/file.xml and module2/src/main/resources/file.xml (depending on dependencies) in module3/src/main/resources/file.xml.
Quite an old post - but solution may still be useful in other contexts.
You can use maven-velocity-plugin in module3/pom.xml.
This will trigger velocity template expansion in the generate-sources phase.
<id>Generate source velocity</id>
module3/src/main/resources/file.xml.vm :
Note that velocity requires that all files must be under the same TEMPLATE_ROOT directory.
If included files must transitively include other files, this can be achieved by using "#parse", and processing all files with velocity ( eg rename them to FILE.xml.vm )
- https://velocity.apache.org/engine/1.7/user-guide.html#include
- https://github.com/vdubus/velocity-maven-plugin
- solution for same problem for avro schema aggregation : https://github.com/vgheo/kafka-avro-schema-aggregation/tree/master/example-avro-agg-build