I'd like to try out OpenGL programming in Scheme.
Can anyone give a recommendation for a decent Scheme compil开发者_StackOverflow社区er / OpenGL library combination?
I have no reservations, though it would be nice (but not a requirement) to be able to produce native, executable binaries — primarily on Windows, but also on UNIX and/or Mac OS X.
EDIT: Changed to community wiki, since the question does not have a definite answer I can accept. Thanks for the replies!
PLT Scheme includes OpenGL bindings in 2 forms, one that matches the C API, and one that's more "scheme" like in usage.
Update: PLT Scheme is now known as Racket, which also has OpenGL bindings.
Chicken Scheme has an egg that provides OpenGL bindings. IMHO, it's not well documented; if you are not familiar with OpenGL already, then this library isn't the right place to start learning.
Spark Scheme:
Spark-Scheme is a dialect of Lisp, which gives you...
- Interactive, modular software development
- Meta-programming facilities
- Advanced control flow
- Distributed computing
- A comprehensive networking API
- A modern GUI framework
- 2D/3D graphics
- An SQL database engine and connectivity to third-party databases
- A web server and a couple of web application frameworks
Gambit-C Has some "3rd party" Open GL bindings, available in the dumping grounds.