I my application I am using below regex for pattern matching.
Original Pattern :
Above pattern added in one array. Since this pattern has comma ( , ) after 2, creating problem in some environment.
As we know below concept in regex :
{n} - matches n times
{n, m} - matches at least n times, but not more than m times
So I have removed comma present after 2, because in above pattern no value exist after comma.
Pattern after removing comma :
As per above change i have resolved environment problem which i was facing earlier.
So here, I just wanted to know that by removing comma after 2 cr开发者_高级运维eates any problem while matching, for above given case.
means match if it appears exactly 2 times, and {2,}
means 2 times or above. Depending on the usage, this may or may not matter.
For example, if you want to validate whether the string contains 2 or more \w+\.
, then the comma doesn't matter. However, if you want to replace those 2 or more \w+\.
with something else, the comma will affect the result.
'foo.bar.baz.'.replace(/(\w+\.){2}/ig, '~') == '~baz.'
'foo.bar.baz.'.replace(/(\w+\.){2,}/ig, '~') == '~'
{2,} means two or more. There is no max limit. With this, {0,} is the same as *, and {1,} is the same as +
To summarize:
{n} match n times
{n,m} match at least n times, but not more than m times
{n,} match at least n times
Refer this for details