i am launching a beta version of a web app and i want to log system information about resources. system monitors eat up way too much resources and do a lot more than what i need. What i want to do is get key stats and log them every time a user logs in.
these are the stats i am interested in:
- number of users - i have done this already
- system 5 min and 15 min loads - php's get load average
- outgoing bandwidth on eth0 - ????
- free memory开发者_JAVA技巧 - ????
so how do i get outgoing traffic and free memory statistics?
If you want to see how it's done, have a look at phpSysInfo.
If you are using a *nix machine you should be able to do:
free -t -m
and it will give you information on free memory in MB.
It is easy to create a simple script that you can schedule in crontab.
As far as network traffic, you might want to look into ntop.
On a Linux/Unix based system, you can read the files in /proc/, such as /proc/meminfo and /proc/net/dev (though for networking, the output of the command 'netstat -i' is a lot easier to parse).