Is there a Rotate Bits Right in Ruby ?
开发者_运维问答Or how can I do that please.
Some facts:
- Ruby has operators
to shift, but no built-in rotate operator. You have to fake it. - Ruby's
class automatically promotes toBignum
when the value exceeds the machine word size. This includes numbers that would fit in an unsigned word but not a signed word -- for example,0xffffffff
is a positiveBignum
, not a negativeFixnum
So if you want a rotate operation, you a) have to write it using the shift operators, b) either hardcode 32 or 64 bits or ask Fixnum
for the word size, and c) accept that the result might end up being a Bignum
That being said, this might work:
class Integer
def ror count
(self >> count) | (self << (32 - count)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
>> printf "0x%x\n", (0x01234567.ror 4)
If you need higher performance, and don't mind adding a dependency, there is the bit-twiddle
gem, which provides this operation implemented in native code:
require 'bit-twiddle/core_ext'
# rotate by 8 bits
0x08048586.rrot32(8).to_s(16) # => "86080485"
Disclosure: I'm the author of this gem.
ROR is rotate right.
Here's a C implementation that could be ported to Ruby.
Ruby does have the
- << Bitwise Shift Left and
Bitwise Shift Right