import flash.desktop.NativeProcess;
import flash.desktop.NativeProcessStartupInfo;
if (NativeProcess.isSupported) {
var npsi:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
var processpath:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("MyApplication.whatever");
var process:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
npsi.executable = processpath;
The above can only run a sub-application, but how to run an independent application(command) like ipconfig
and get the result?
You in fact can scrape STDOUT and STDERR:
process.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA, onOutputData);
process.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_ERROR_DATA, onError);
process.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_INPUT_PROGRESS, inputProgressListener);
public function onError(event:ProgressEvent):void
public function inputProgressListener(event:ProgressEvent):void
public function onOutputData(event:ProgressEvent):void
More info at:
Edit: realised maybe your question is also how to launch an external application? Here's an example how to run 'top' in OSX:
npsi.executable = new File("/usr/bin/top");
If you need network configuration information, you could use NetworkInfo.networkInfo.findInterfaces()
. Will save you the trouble of interacting with another process and it's also portable.
If you want to run ipconfig.exe without knowing where it is located, you can run cmd.exe with arguments "/C" "ipconfig.exe ...". Of course, this requires to know where is cmd.exe. I had just included it with my AIR app (windows version).
I don't think you can, it's a self-impossed limitation of the NativeProcess API. However, you can create a little Windows binary yourself that calls ipconfig and passes the information back to the AIR app.
If creating that binary seems like a big deal, take a look to Haxe and xCross, you can get it done with a fairly similar language to ActionScript.