I'm trying to get a better grip开发者_C百科 on numpy arrays, so I have a sample question to ask about them:
Say I have a numpy array called a. I want to perform an operation on a that increments all the values inside it that are less than 0 and leaves the rest alone. for example, if I had:
a = np.array([1,2,3,-1,-2,-3])
I would want to return:
What is the most compact syntax for this?
In [45]: a = np.array([1,2,3,-1,-2,-3])
In [46]: a[a<0]+=1
In [47]: a
Out[47]: array([ 1, 2, 3, 0, -1, -2])
To mutate it:
a[a<0] += 1
To leave the original array alone:
Just to add to above,In numpy array I wanted to subtract a value based on the ascii value to get a value between 0 to 35 for ascii 0-9 and A-Z and had to write the for loops but the post above showed me how to make it short. So I thought of posting it here as thanks to the post above.
The code below can be made short
i = 0
for y in y_train:
if y < 58:
y_train[i] = y_train[i]-48
else :
y_train[i] = y_train[i] - 55
i += 1
i = 0
for y in y_test:
if y < 58:
y_test[i] = y_test[i]-48
else :
y_test[i] = y_test[i] - 55
i += 1
# The shortened code is below
y_train[y_train < 58] -= 48
y_train[y_train > 64] -= 55
y_test[y_test < 58] -= 48
y_test[y_test > 64] -= 55