First of all, I don't know if this is where I have to ask this question; so I'll count on the moderators to move it if need be.
I have a Linux PHP web hosting account on GoDaddy.
When I have to upload a file, I normally use FTP, either a client or the host's file manager.
However, if the file is one which I have to download from another website, I would prefer if I could "download" it directly to my hosting account; the reason being that I'm in Mauritius and our connection is among the slowest in the world. So I would prefer using the high (I'm just assuming it's higher) bandwidth of the host so that开发者_Go百科 transfers go more quickly.
So, my question is: does anyone of you have a solution (PHP script, Java applet, or anything) that I could use to achieve that?
Thanks in advance,
First of this might be a security risk on your server.
Secondly, here's little untested code:
echo 'get file...';
if($data===false)die('Failed getting file.');
echo 'saving file...';
echo $succ ? 'Success' : 'Failed saving file';
Usable script (put into file "down.php" in your web root):
echo 'get file...';
if(!isset($_REQUEST['from'])die('Fail: Parameter "from" not set.');
if(!isset($_REQUEST['to'])die('Fail: Parameter "to" not set.');
if($data===false)die('Failed getting file.');
echo 'saving file...';
echo $succ ? 'Success' : 'Failed saving file';
Usage (run it in from web browser):
WARNING: Make sure you remove script after use, it is a grave security issue.
Wget I use it for downloading wordpress straight to a server:
# Download the title page of to a file
# named "index.html".
# Download Wget's source code from the GNU ftp site. wget
The example are from the link above.
Christian trick make better with this code.
You can create a folder like d on your host and protect it with password! Then create a new index.php and put beloow code on it
echo 'Get file...';
$url = $_REQUEST['from'];
$filename= preg_replace('/\\?.*/', '', basename($url));
$to ='dl/'.$filename;
if($data===false)die('Failed getting file.');
echo "<br/>".'Saving file...';
echo $succ ? "<br/>".'Success' : "<br/>".'Failed saving file';
finally create a folder named dl to store downloaded files.
Usage (run it in from web browser):