In my VB6 project, I'm using only Toolbar Control in main MDI From (Not menubar), The Toolbar has big pictures denoting actions like New, Save, View, Help etc. I wanted to know if there is any way to create keyboard short-cut for these actions. As far as I know, properties of Toolbar control of MS Windows Common Controls 6.0 isn't showing any relative option to do this. As MDI form doesn'开发者_运维问答t have any key events, I can't create short-cuts by associating keys as well. I don't want menu bar in my form as it has very few items so only Toolbar makes the job. Please suggest any idea to have short-cuts for toolbar buttons...... :-| Thanks in advance.............
One way is to use a local WH_KEYBOARD
hook, this article explains how (and provides a library).
Add a key event to your form. You could then process the short cuts by having them call the same function that would have been called on the mouse down event for the menubar.
For example you might have something like
public sub SaveItem_Clicked()
end sub
Then in your keypress check for Alt+S etc, and have it call DoSave()