Let's say I have an iframe on a HTML page:
<iframe src="/script.php"></frame>
The iframe is inside a modal box window (I'm using a jQuery plugin for modal window: http://opensource.steffenhollstein.de/templates/modalbox/).
When the modal box gets closed, the iframe inside it is removed from the page's HTML with jQuery remove() method.
How can I notice that the iframe has been removed and execute some javascript code? Basically what I want is to refresh the page once the modal box is closed. This is the close method for the modal box plugin:
jQuery.fn.modalBox.close = function(settings){
// merge the plugin defaults with custom options
settings = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn.modalBox.defaults, settings);
开发者_StackOverflow社区 if( settings.setFaderLayer && settings.setModalboxContainer ){
You can add an event trigger inside the modalBox.close
method and listen to it:
jQuery(document).bind('modalclose'), function() {
// stuff to do when the modalbox closes
var fn = jQuery.fn.modalBox.close;
jQuery.fn.modalBox.close = function() {
fn.apply(this, arguments);
You can also apply a custom event for removing elements in jQuery:
(function() {
var ev = new $.Event('remove'),
orig = $.fn.remove;
$.fn.remove = function() {
orig.apply(this, arguments);
$('iframe').bind('remove', function() {
// do stuff when an iframe was removed
In most browsers (sadly not IE < 9) you could use DOMNodeRemoved
event. I don't know about your jQuery plug-in, but here's a plain JavaScript example:
var iframe = document.getElementById("your_iframe");
document.body.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", function(evt) {
var removedNode = evt.target;
if (removedNode == iframe) {
alert("iframe removed");
}, false);
I'm sure you'd be better off hacking around with the plug-in to get it to tell you when it closes the dialog though.