The CSS File I was including pulled in the the other files hence the correlation *facepalm*
We have the following code for picking a CNAME CDN reference per filename. It must return the same URL everytime based on a given filename. We thought this would be sufficiently random:
function cdn_prefix($fileName) {
$number_of_servers = 4;
$md5 = md5($fileName);
$md5 = substr($md5, 0, 4);
$hash_number = base_convert($md5, 16, 10);
$server_number = ($hash_number % $number_of_servers) + 1;
$server_prefix = '//static' . $server_number . '.' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
return $server_prefix . $fileName;
However it seems to favour the number 3:
No matter what I do (salt, different bases, random multiplication, etc) the results headerBg through to mainNavPipe (on the screen shot) all have the same number.
Is there a better algorithm?
Here are the results using same algorithm using a SHA1
Everywhere calls the same function - as it returns the whole URL and wouldn't show the static[1-4] domain unless it when through this function.
The array (for testing) is:
This was probably a one-time thing or a bug elsewhere.
function cdn_prefix($fileName) {
$number_of_servers = 4;
$md5 = md5($fileName);
$md5 = substr($md5, 0, 4);
$hash_number = base_convert($md5, 16, 10);
$server_number = ($hash_number % $number_of_servers) + 1;
return $server_number;
$arr = array(1=>0, 2=>0, 3=>0, 4=>0,);
for ($i = 1; $i < 200000; $i++) {
Array ( [1] => 49770 [2] => 50090 [3] => 50026 [4] => 50113 )