how do i set up routing as follows
these work with the standard routing
/posts => index action (listing)
/posts/view => view action (individual post)
/posts/add => add action
/posts/edit => edit action
what abt these?
can by filtered based on 1 or more query strings, in any order. eg.
/posts/tagged/tag1 /posts/tagged/tag1/timeframe/1w => fyi. 1w means 1 week /posts/timeframe/1w/tagged/tag1 => can be in any order /posts/sortby/dtposted => more options maybe added
how can i handle these? i tried
$route = new Zend_Controll开发者_如何学运维er_Router_Route(
'controller' => 'posts',
'action' => 'index'
$router->addRoute('postsIndex', $route);
but of cos, all routes to posts/*
goes to the index controller. not what i want
You dont need to use a route for those url's if your using proper naming conventions it should naturally.
class PostsController extends Zend_Controller_Action{
public function viewAction(){
public function editAction(){
public function addAction(){
public function indexAction(){
I suggest going back to basics and learning how controllers models and views work in the zend framework before trying to understand routing :)