How can I extend a Button?
I want a Button that has an additional property IsSwitchOffable.
Do I have to write an extra custom co开发者_如何转开发ntrol?
EDIT: I want that the button is usable as a standard WindowsFormsButton.
This includes that I can add the button at design time!
Extending a button control is no different then extending any class in C#. Simply do the following:
class ToggleButton : Button {
// Add your extra code
You need to create a class that inherits the System.Windows.Forms.Button
class and adds your property and associated behavior.
After compiling your project, your new class will appear in the toolbox.
I know this is old and has been answered - however, Why make life difficult?
Each control has a Tag property which you can easily set to IsSwitchedOffable - or better English CanBeDisabled
Far easier.
In my puzzle application 2d button's location is to be changed... So i need extra facilities...
My button ButObj extends Button class
Public Class ButObj : Button
Point initloc;
Public ButObj(Point loc)
{ this.Location=initloc=loc ; }
Public bool isNearto(ButObj X)
if (this.Location.X==X.Location.X || this.Location.Y==X.Location.Y)
return true;
else return false;
Public bool isSettled()
return true ;
else return false;
Public void Replace (ButObj X)
Point temp ;
Following code is written in form 1_load ()
ButObj[ ][ ] B=new ButObj[4][4];
char c='A';
for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
for (int j=0;j<4;j++)
{ B[i][j]=new ButObj(new Point (i*100+10,j*100+10));
B[j][i].Text = ""+c++;
B[i][j].Font =new Font ("Arial", 24);
this.Controls.Add (B[i][j]);
B[i][j].MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(MouseClick); }
Coding in mouse click event
private void MouseClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
ButObj b=(ButObj)sender;
if (b.isNearto(B[3][3]))
\\ checking after replace
if(AllSolved());\\game over
bool AllSolved()
for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
for (int j=0;j<4;j++)
if (!B[i][j].isSettled)
return false ;
return true;