I have a menu where some of the menu items use bindings to get their title. These items are always enabled, and don't neither automatically enable/disable like they should NOR do they cause a call to validateUserInterfaceItem:. If you remove the binding on title, then that starts working again. The menu items have the target set to ni开发者_运维技巧l (First Responder). If you click on one, it does execute the selector (action).
Bug? What to do?
For some reason when you set a menu item's title with bindings, the menu item becomes enabled
even if the target/action are nil
If you want to permanently disable the menu item you can workaround this by binding the menu item's enabled
status to a constant NO
NSNumber *alwaysNo = [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO];
[menuItem bind:@"enabled" toObject:alwaysNo withKeyPath:@"boolValue" options:nil];
Note that this isn't the most elegant workaround, but in my case it was still cleaner than not using bindings for the title.