I have defined the f开发者_如何学运维ollowing module to help me with FFI function export:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module ExportFFI where
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
class FFI basic ffitype | basic -> ffitype where
toFFI :: basic -> IO ffitype
fromFFI :: ffitype -> IO basic
freeFFI :: ffitype -> IO ()
instance FFI String CString where
toFFI = newCString
fromFFI = peekCString
freeFFI = free
I'm struggling with the instance for functions. Can someone help me?
There are two things you can do with functions involving the FFI:
1) Marshalling: this means converting a function to a type that can be exported through the FFI. This accomplished by FunPtr
2) Exporting: this means creating a means for non-Haskell code to call into a Haskell function.
Your FFI class helps with marshalling, and first I create a few sample instances of how to marshal functions.
This is untested, but it compiles and I expect it would work. First, let's change the class slightly:
class FFI basic ffitype | basic -> ffitype, ffitype -> basic where
toFFI :: basic -> IO ffitype
fromFFI :: ffitype -> IO basic
freeFFI :: ffitype -> IO ()
This says that given the type of either "basic" or "ffitype", the other is fixed[1]. This means it's no longer possible to marshal two different values to the same type, e.g. you can no longer have both
instance FFI Int CInt where
instance FFI Int32 CInt where
The reason for this is because freeFFI
can't be used as you've defined it; there's no way to determine which instance to select from just the ffitype. Alternatively you could change the type to freeFFI :: ffitype -> basic -> IO ()
, or (better?) freeFFI :: ffitype -> IO basic
. Then you wouldn't need fundeps at all.
The only way to allocate a FunPtr is with a "foreign import" statement, which only works with fully instantiated types. You also need to enable the ForeignFunctionInterface
extension. As a result the toFFI
function, which should return an IO (FunPtr x)
, can't be polymorphic over function types. In other words, you'd need this:
foreign import ccall "wrapper"
mkIntFn :: (Int32 -> Int32) -> IO (FunPtr (Int32 -> Int32))
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
dynIntFn :: FunPtr (Int32 -> Int32) -> (Int32 -> Int32)
instance FFI (Int32 -> Int32) (FunPtr (Int32 -> Int32)) where
toFFI = mkIntFn
fromFFI = return . dynIntFn
freeFFI = freeHaskellFunPtr
for every different function type you want to marshal. You also need the FlexibleInstances
extension for this instance. There are a few restrictions imposed by the FFI: every type must be a marshallable foreign type, and the function return type must be either a marshallable foreign type or an IO action which returns a marshallable foreign type.
For non-marshallable types (e.g. Strings) you need something slightly more complex. First of all, since marshalling happens in IO you can only marshal functions that result in an IO action. If you want to marshal pure functions, e.g. (String -> String), you need to lift them to the form (String -> IO String).[2] Let's define two helpers:
wrapFn :: (FFI a ca, FFI b cb) => (a -> IO b) -> (ca -> IO cb)
wrapFn fn = fromFFI >=> fn >=> toFFI
unwrapFn :: (FFI a ca, FFI b cb) => (ca -> IO cb) -> (a -> IO b)
unwrapFn fn a = bracket (toFFI a) freeFFI (fn >=> fromFFI)
These convert the types of functions to the appropriate marshalled values, e.g. wrapStrFn :: (String -> IO String) -> (CString -> IO CString); wrapStrFn = wrapFn
. Note that unwrapFn
uses "Control.Exception.bracket" to ensure the resource is freed in case of exceptions. Ignoring this you could write unwrapFn fn = toFFI >=> fn >=> fromFFI
; see the similarity to wrapFn.
Now that we have these helpers we can start to write instances:
foreign import ccall "wrapper"
mkStrFn :: (CString -> IO CString) -> IO (FunPtr (CString -> IO CString))
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
dynStrFn :: FunPtr (CString -> IO CString) -> (CString -> IO CString)
instance FFI (String -> IO String) (FunPtr (CString -> IO CString)) where
toFFI = mkStrFn . wrapFn
fromFFI = return . unwrapFn . dynStrFn
freeFFI = freeHaskellFunPtr
As before, it's not possible to make these functions polymorphic, which leads to my biggest reservation about this system. It's a lot of overhead because you need to create separate wrappers and instances for each type of function. Unless you're doing a lot of marshalling of functions, I would seriously doubt it's worth the effort.
That's how you can marshal functions, but what if you want to make them available to calling code? This other process is exporting the function, and we've already developed most of what's necessary.
Exported functions must have marshallable types, just like FunPtr
s. We can simply re-use the wrapFn
to do this. To export a few functions all you need to do is wrap them with wrapFn
and export the wrapped versions:
f1 :: Int -> Int
f1 = (+2)
f2 :: String -> String
f2 = reverse
f3 :: String -> IO Int
f3 = return . length
foreign export ccall f1Wrapped :: CInt -> IO CInt
f1Wrapped = wrapFn (return . f1)
foreign export ccall f2Wrapped :: CString -> IO CString
f2Wrapped = wrapFn (return . f2)
foreign export ccall f3Wrapped :: CString -> IO CInt
f3Wrapped = wrapFn f3
Unfortunately this setup only works for single-argument functions. To support all functions, let's make another class:
class ExportFunction a b where
exportFunction :: a -> b
instance (FFI a ca, FFI b cb) => ExportFunction (a->b) (ca -> IO cb) where
exportFunction fn = (wrapFn (return . fn))
instance (FFI a ca, FFI b cb, FFI d cd) => ExportFunction (a->b->d) (ca->cb->IO cd) where
exportFunction fn = \ca cb -> do
a <- fromFFI ca
b <- fromFFI cb
toFFI $ fn a b
Now we can use exportFunction
for functions with 1 and 2 arguments:
f4 :: Int -> Int -> Int
f4 = (+)
f4Wrapped :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
f4Wrapped = exportFunction f4
foreign export ccall f4Wrapped :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
f3Wrapped2 = :: CString -> IO CInt
f3Wrapped2 = exportFunction f3
foreign export ccall f3Wrapped2 :: CString -> IO CInt
f3Wrapped2 = exportFunction f3
Now you just need to write more instances of ExportFunction
to automatically convert any function to the appropriate type for exporting. I think this is the best you can do without either either using some type of pre-processor or unsafePerformIO.
[1] Technically, I don't think there's any need for the "basic -> ffitype" fundep, so you could remove it to enable one basic type to map to multiple ffitypes. One reason to do so would be to map all sized ints to Integers, although the toFFI
implementations would be lossy.
[2] A slight simplification. You could marshal a function String -> String
to the FFI type of CString -> IO CString
. But now you can't convert the CString -> IO CString
function back to String -> String
because of the IO in the return type.