I am using WIX 3.0 Toolset and VS2008. In my ".wixproj" file I have added the following code (which works fine). I want to add a condition so that it will only install PIA if office 2007 is installed.
<BootstrapperFile Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5">
<ProductName>.NET Framework 3.5</ProductName>
<!-- Here I want to check if office is installed. If true then install the PIAs -->
<BootstrapperFile Include="Microsoft.Office.PIARedist.2007">
<ProductName>Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop Assemblies</ProductName>
I have the following code written in my installer script .wxs but this is not useful in the bootstrapper.
<!-- Properties to check for Word 2007 Version. Return string should be "Word.Application.12" -->
<Property Id="WORDVERSION">
<RegistrySearch Id="RegistrySearchWordVersion"
Similar to: WIX: GenerateBootStrapper conditions?
Check out the Product and Package Schema Reference and you probably want to look at the <BypassIf> and <InstallChecks> element.