I am trying to pass form name dynamically. But this script is showing an error.
"document.formName is undefined". How to solve this. Thanks in advance.
<script language="javascript">
function showAll(form,fieldName) {
var formName = form.name;
document.formName.search_mode.value = "";
开发者_开发百科 document.formName.submit();
<form name = "dealsManagement" method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">
<input type="hidden" name="search_mode" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['search_mode'];?>" >
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" width="400" style="padding:2px; border:#ccc solid 1px; margin:15px auto 15px auto;">
<td colspan="2" class="text3" align="center" height="35" bgcolor="#cccccc">Search</td>
<td width="153" height="35" align="right" class="text2" style="padding-right:10px;">Search By City:</td>
<td width="245"><input type="text" name="city" value= "<?php echo $_POST['city']; ?>" size="24" ></input></td>
<td height="30"> </td>
<td><input name="button" type="button" class="btn" onClick="javascript:dealSearchCity()" value="Search" />
<input name="btnShowAll" type="button" class="btn"value="Show All" onClick="javascript:showAll(this.form,'city');" /></td>
What you are doing is not necessary. You can use form
function showAll(form,fieldName) {
var formName = form.name;
form.elements.search_mode.value = "";
two sidenotes:
The language
attribute is deprecated, better use
<script type="text/javascript">
and you don't need to prefix event handlers with javascript:
If you want to use a string rather than a literal property name, you have to use square bracket notation.