Below is my phpunit.xml file. All methods of logging stop as soon as a PHP fatal error is achieved. I want to be able to have a log of this error.
<phpunit verbose="true" colors="true" stopOnFailure="false" syntaxCheck="true">
<log type="tap" target="results/results.tap"/>
<log type="testdox-text" target="results/results.txt" />
<log t开发者_C百科ype="junit" target="results/results.junit" logIncompleteSkipped="true"/>
<log type="json" target="results/results.js"/>
<log type="coverage-html" target="results/report" charset="UTF-8"
yui="false" highlight="false"
lowUpperBound="35" highLowerBound="70"/>
Since phpunit (or rather your tests) run in a fatal error the php interpreter isn't able to do much more than die so logging via phpunit seems rather hard.
Maybe running each test as seperate process ( Using the --process-isolation switch or setting processIsolation="true" ) might help you a little bit. But that slows down your Testsuite and so on.
So as a quick solution you could put the error output of php into a logfile (in case display_errors is on).
phpunit yourTests 2> errors.log
Maybe use a different php.ini for your testruns and provide a logfile there or just pass it to php via
echo "" > error.log && phpunit -d error_log=error.log yourTests
so you at least have a file with the errors to check against.