
Representing numbers greater than 65535 in MIPS

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-08 16:45 出处:网络
I am working in MIPS, and using numbers in excess of 65535, and I\'m getting an out of range error. How can I work around that in this code?

I am working in MIPS, and using numbers in excess of 65535, and I'm getting an out of range error. How can I work around that in this code?

## p2.asm
## Andrew Levenson, 2010
## Problem 2 from Project Euler
## In MIPS Assembly, for SPIM
## Calculate the sum, s of all
## even valued terms in the
## Fibonacci s开发者_开发知识库equence which
## do not exceed 4,000,000
        .globl  main

    ## Registers
        ori     $t0, $0, 0x0        # $t0 will contain scratch
        ori     $t1, $0, 0x1        # $t1 will contain initial fib(N-1) 
        ori     $t2, $0, 0x2        # $t2 will contain initial fib(N) 
        ori     $t3, $0, 0x0        # $t3 will be our loop incrementor
        ori     $t4, $0, 0x0        # $t4 will be our sum
        ori     $t5, $0, 0x2        # $t5 contains two to test if even
        ori     $t8, $0, 4000000    # $t8 contains N limit

    ## Test to see if a given number is even
        div     $t1, $t5            # $t1 / 2
        mflo    $t6                 # $t6 = floor($t1 / 2) 
        mfhi    $t7                 # $t7 = $t1 mod 2

        bne     $t7, $0, inc        # if $t7 != 0 then bypass sum
        sll     $0, $0, $0          # no op

    ## Add a given value to the sum
        addu    $t4, $t4, $t2       # sum = sum + fib(N)

    ## Increment fib's via xor swap magic
        xor     $t1, $t1, $t2       # xor swap magic
        xor     $t2, $t1, $t2       # xor swap magic
        xor     $t1, $t1, $t2       # xor swap magic
    ## Now $t1 = $t2 and $t2 = $t1

    ## Increment $t2 to next fib
        addu    $t2, $t1, $t2

    ## Is $t2 < 4,000,000?
    ## If so, go to loop
        sltu    $8, $t2, $t8        # If $t2 < 4,000,000 
                                    # then $8 = 1
        bne     $8, $0, even_test   # if $8 == $0 then jump to even_test
        sll     $0, $0, $0          # no op

        li      $v0, 0x1            # system call #1 - print int
        move    $a0, $t4
        syscall                     # execute

        li      $v0, 0xA            # system call #10 - exit

## End of Program

How can I fix this?

(I had no idea of MIPS assembly before yesterday, but I'll give a shot)

LUI with 0x3D, followed by ORI with 0x900 (4,000,000 being 0x3D0900)?

I'm guessing this is the problem line?

   ori     $t8, $0, 4000000    # $t8 contains N limit

MIPS instructions have only 16-bit constant fields, so you need to construct constants greater than 65535 with a more complex sequence, or else load them from memory. Something like this should work:

  ori      $t8, $0, 0x3d09     # 4 000 000 >> 8
  sll      $t8, $t8, 8

I think "sll dest, src, count" is how you shift left in MIPS assembly, but I could be wrong. You can also use the "li" macro-instruction, which takes any 32-bit constant and finagles that into a register somehow, using more than one instruction if necessary.

My first thought would be to use two registers, one for the higher-order bits and one-for the lower-order bits. You'd have to keep track of them together, but that's just what comes to mind for me.



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