How开发者_如何学运维 do I change the colour of highlight/selection of text? The default is blue.
For example, if you highlight/select the text on this site, it is blue. But on if the text is highlight/selected, it is orange peach.
::selection {
background: #ffb7b7; /* Safari */
::-moz-selection {
background: #ffb7b7; /* Firefox */
as it is explained in here:
It's a CSS3-only feature, that only Firefox and Safari have implemented so far (as far as I know).
::selection {
background: #ffb7b7; /* Safari */
::-moz-selection {
background: #ffb7b7; /* Firefox */
with JS you checkout where the selection is. then you remove it and change the css background-color of the selected text part in to orange ;-)
Why don't you read the css-tricks article on the subject: :-)
::selection {
background: red;
::-moz-selection {
background: red;
::-webkit-selection {
background: red;
webkit selection fixed opera issue :)