I’m trying to add new columns in report/sales/shipping. Columns are now ok but I can’t display values coming from another table.
in app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Mysql4/Report/Shipping.php
protected function _aggregateByOrderCreatedAt($from, $to)
try {
$tableName = $this->getTable('sales/shipping_aggregated_order');
$writeAdapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
if (is_null($from) && is_null($to)) {
$writeAdapter->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$tableName}");
} else {
$where = (!is_null($from)) ? "so.updated_at >= '{$from}'" : '';
if (!is_null($to)) {
$where .= (!empty($where)) ? " AND so.updated_at <= '{$to}'" : "so.updated_at <= '{$to}'";
$subQuery = $writeAdapter->select();
$subQuery->from(array('so'=>$this->getTable('sales/order')), array('DISTINCT DATE(so.created_at)'))
I add those 4 lines : $subQuery->joinInner :
$subQuery->joinInner(array('sd'=> $this->getTable('sales/order_datetime')),
"`sd`.`entity_id` = `so`.`entity_id`",
$deleteCondition = 'DATE(period) IN (' . new Zend_Db_Expr($subQuery) . ')';
$writeAdapter->delete($tableName, $deleteCondition);
$columns = array(
'period' => "DATE(created_at)",
'shipping_description' => 'shipping_description',
'orders_cou开发者_如何学Gont' => 'COUNT(entity_id)',
'total_shipping' => 'SUM(`base_shipping_amount` * `base_to_global_rate`)',
'store_id' => 'store_id',
'order_status' => 'status',
'point_relais' => 'shipping_description',
'date_commande' => "DATE(created_at)",
'date_livraison' => "DATE(value)"
$select = $writeAdapter->select()
->from($this->getTable('sales/order'), $columns)
->where('state NOT IN (?)', array(
->where('is_virtual = 0');
if (!is_null($from) || !is_null($to)) {
$select->where("DATE(created_at) IN(?)", new Zend_Db_Expr($subQuery));
At the end “value” in 'date_livraison' is the only variable coming from table sales/order_datetime and I can’t display it. Others variables are coming from table sales/order and are well displayed.
I think there’s something wrong or missing in
$subQuery->joinInner(array('sd'=> $this->getTable('sales/order_datetime')),
"`sd`.`entity_id` = `so`.`entity_id`",
I’ve declared the table sales_order_datetime in app/code/Core/Mage/Sales/etc/config.xml with :
And in the database date_livraison is in the appropriate format
If you could help me. Thanks
you are not returning any columns from the joined table.
$subQuery->joinInner(array('sd'=> $this->getTable('sales/order_datetime')),
"`sd`.`entity_id` = `so`.`entity_id`",
array('name_of_column') // <---This is what is missing.
That is an array of columns to return.