
Currency Conversion using PHP [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-08 03:17 出处:网络
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I'm looking for a way to convert any amount from one currency to another on a website. The user would enter something like '100' and select USD as the currency, and then chooses Australian or Canadian dollars as the currency to convert to. When he clicks the 'Convert' button, I'd like to convert that amount automatically, through some API, and show him the amount in the currency he chose to convert to.

Any ideas?

After searching a lot, found this.

// Fetching JSON
$req_url = 'https://api.exchangerate-api.com/v4/latest/USD';
$response_json = file_get_contents($req_url);

// Continuing if we got a result
if(false !== $response_json) {

    // Try/catch for json_decode operation
    try {

    // Decoding
    $response_object = json_decode($response_json);

    $base_price = 12; // Your price in USD
    $EUR_price = round(($base_price * $response_object->rates->EUR), 2);

    catch(Exception $e) {
        // Handle JSON parse error...

This is working fine. The snippet is from: https://www.exchangerate-api.com/docs/php-currency-api

This method is using Yahoo currency API Full tutorial : Currency Converter in PHP, Python, Javascript and jQuery

function currencyConverter($currency_from, $currency_to, $currency_input) {
    $yql_base_url = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql";
    $yql_query = 'select * from yahoo.finance.xchange where pair in ("' . $currency_from . $currency_to . '")';
    $yql_query_url = $yql_base_url . "?q=" . urlencode($yql_query);
    $yql_query_url .= "&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys";
    $yql_session = curl_init($yql_query_url);
    curl_setopt($yql_session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $yqlexec = curl_exec($yql_session);
    $yql_json =  json_decode($yqlexec, true);
    $currency_output = (float) $currency_input * $yql_json['query']['results']['rate']['Rate'];

    return $currency_output;

$currency_input = 2;
//currency codes : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217
$currency_from = "USD";
$currency_to = "INR";
$currency = currencyConverter($currency_from, $currency_to, $currency_input);

echo $currency_input . ' ' . $currency_from . ' = ' . $currency . ' ' . $currency_to;

An example of converting EUR to USD

$url = 'http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx/ConversionRate?FromCurrency=EUR&ToCurrency=USD';
            $xml = simpleXML_load_file($url,"SimpleXMLElement",LIBXML_NOCDATA);
            if($xml ===  FALSE)
               //deal with error
            else { 

                $rate = $xml;

My 2017 solution is a very lightweight function that gets the current exchange informations from the fixer.io API. It also stores the exchange rate in a daily cookie to prevent further heavy web loading time. You can also choose Sessions for that or remove it:

function convertCurrency($amount, $from = 'EUR', $to = 'USD'){
    if (empty($_COOKIE['exchange_rate'])) {
        $Cookie = new Cookie($_COOKIE);
        $curl = file_get_contents_curl('http://api.fixer.io/latest?symbols='.$from.','.$to.'');
        $rate = $curl['rates'][$to];
        $Cookie->exchange_rate = $rate;
    } else {
        $rate = $_COOKIE['exchange_rate'];
    $output = round($amount * $rate);

    return $output;

Example usage to convert 100 euro to pounds:

echo convertCurrency(100, 'EUR', 'GBP');

Use Given code for currency Converter PHP

public function convertCurrency($from, $to, $amount)    
    $url = file_get_contents('https://free.currencyconverterapi.com/api/v5/convert?q=' . $from . '_' . $to . '&compact=ultra');
    $json = json_decode($url, true);
    $rate = implode(" ",$json);
    $total = $rate * $amount;
    $rounded = round($total);
    return $total;

I like the first solution but there seems to be on BIG problem with it. I tried to implement it into a payment gateway but I kept on getting a result of 1. This perplexed me and I eventually found that it is because there is a space used by google for the thousands sparator. Thus the amount of 1 500.00 was returned as one since the rest was exploded. I have created a quick and dirty fix for it. Let me know if anyone else has experienced this problem. Here is my solution:

function currency($from_Currency,$to_Currency,$amount) {
  $amount = urlencode($amount);
  $from_Currency = urlencode($from_Currency);
  $to_Currency = urlencode($to_Currency);
  $url = "http://www.google.com/ig/calculator?hl=en&q=$amount$from_Currency=?$to_Currency";
  $ch = curl_init();
  $timeout = 0;
  curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  curl_setopt($ch,  CURLOPT_USERAGENT , "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1)");
  curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
  $rawdata = curl_exec($ch);
  $data = explode('"', $rawdata);
  $data = explode('.', $data['3']);
  $data[0] = str_replace(" ", "",preg_replace('/\D/', '',  $data[0]));
    $data[1] = str_replace(" ", "",preg_replace('/\D/', '', $data[1]));
    $var = $data[0].".".$data[1];        
  } else{
    $var = $data[0];
  return round($var,2); }

This is what I'm using:

function exchangeRate( $amount, $from, $to)
    switch ($from) {
        case "euro":
            $from_Currency = "EUR";
        case "dollar":
            $from_Currency = "USD";
        case "pounds":
            $from_Currency = "GBP";

    switch ($to) {
        case "euro":
            $to_Currency = "EUR";
        case "dollar":
            $to_Currency = "USD";
        case "pound":
            $to_Currency = "GBP";

  $amount = urlencode($amount);

  $from_Currency = urlencode($from_Currency);
  $to_Currency = urlencode($to_Currency);
  $get = file_get_contents("https://www.google.com/finance/converter?a=$amount&from=" . $from_Currency . "&to=" . $to_Currency);

  $get = explode("<span class=bld>",$get);
  $get = explode("</span>",$get[1]);
  $converted_amount = preg_replace("/[^0-9\.]/", null, $get[0]);
  return round($converted_amount, 2);

I used the following PHP to pull data from the ECB as Stefan Gehrig suggested.

try {
    $xml_string = file_get_contents("https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml");
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_string);
    $cxml = $xml->xpath('//*[@currency]');
    //anchored to USD in this case
    $usx = $xml->xpath('//*[@currency="USD"]');
    $base = floatval(strval($usx[0]['rate']));
    //create a simple associative array with the 3-letter code
    //as the key and the rate as the value
    $c_arr = array();
    foreach ($cxml as $c) {
        $cur = strval($c['currency']);
        $rate = floatval(strval($c['rate']))/$base;
        $c_arr[$cur] = $rate;
    //add the euro since it's assumed as the base rate for the ECB
    $c_arr['EUR'] = 1/$base;
    $currency_json = json_encode($c_arr);

    //write to file
    $file = "currency.json";
    $fh = fopen($file, 'w') or die("can't open file");
    fwrite($fh, $currency_json);
    echo $currency_json;
} catch (Exception $e) { echo $e; }

It writes a JSON file that I include as a JavaScript variable:

<script type="text/javascript">
var data = <?php include('currency.json'); ?>;

I can then easy grab the data using the 3-letter currency code (e.g., data['GBP']) with JavaScript when a currency change is requested.

I use a Cron Job to update the JSON once a day, so it's not making a call each time the page is visited.

 * Rechnet den gegebenen Betrag von einer Währung in eine andere um
 * @param FLOAT $value
 * @param STRING $fromCurrency=USD Ursprungswärung des Betrags
 * @param STRING $toCurrency=EUR Zielwärhung, in die umgerechnet wird
 * @param BOOL $round=true Wenn aktiviert, wird der errechnete Wert auf 2 Nachkommastellen kaufmännisch gerundet
 * @return ARRAY [timestamp][datetime_iso][datetime_de][value][from][to][result]
function calcCurrency($value=0, $fromCurrency='USD', $toCurrency='EUR', $round=true) {
    $timestamp = time();
    $fromCurrency = preg_replace('[^A-Z]', '', strtoupper(trim($fromCurrency)));
    $toCurrency = preg_replace('[^A-Z]', '', strtoupper(trim($toCurrency)));
    $round = (bool) $round;

    $wrongJSON = file_get_contents("http://www.google.com/ig/calculator?hl=en&q=1$fromCurrency=?$toCurrency");
    $search = array('lhs', 'rhs', 'error', 'icc');
    $replace = array('"lhs"', '"rhs"', '"error"', '"icc"');
    $json = str_replace($search, $replace, $wrongJSON);
    $jsonData = json_decode($json, true);
    if ('' !== $jsonData['error']) throw new Exception('FEHLER: '.$jsonData['error']);
    $rhs = explode(' ', $jsonData['rhs'], 2);

    $calcValue = floatval(0.00);
    $value = floatval($value);
    $ratio = floatval($rhs[0]);

    // Gültigkeitsprüfungen
    if ($value < 0) throw new Exception('Umzurechnender Wert darf nicht negativ sein.');

    // Plausibilitätsprüfung der eingestellten Währung und Festlegung
    if ($toCurrency == $fromCurrency) {
        // Ursprungswährung = Zielwährung | Es erfolgt keine Berechnung
        $calcValue = $value;
        $ratio = 1;
    } else {
        $calcValue = floatval($value * $ratio);

    // Array mit Rückgabewerten erzeugen und zurück geben
    return array(
        'timestamp' => $timestamp,
        'datetime_iso' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp),
        'datetime_de' => date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $timestamp),
        'value' => $value,
        'from' => $fromCurrency,
        'to' => $toCurrency,
        'ratio' => round($ratio, 6),
        'result' => (true===$round)
            ? round($calcValue, 2)
            : $calcValue

use this simple function :

function convertCurrency($amount, $from, $to){
    $url  = "https://www.google.com/finance/converter?a=$amount&from=$from&to=$to";
    $data = file_get_contents($url);
    preg_match("/<span class=bld>(.*)<\/span>/",$data, $converted);
    $converted = preg_replace("/[^0-9.]/", "", $converted[1]);
    return round($converted, 3);

This is so simple if you use a local server like wamp or xampp or other server then you should have to enable extension of openssl first in php.ini

extension=php_openssl.dll `allow_url_fopen = On`

then you will be able to run my code else you are runing your website with online hosting then you dont need to do this so you have to add this php function in your php script

function currencyCnv( $amount, $from, $to){
$get = file_get_contents("https://www.google.com/finance/converter?a=$amount&from=" . $from. "&to=" . $to);
$get = explode("<span class=bld>",$get);
$get = explode("</span>",$get[1]);
$converted_amount = $get[0];
echo round($converted_amount,2);

//currencyCnv(you amount from form input filed ,currency from select box,currency to select box)
//any currency convert with this code 

Please check below currency change example.

    function oneUSDTo($amount, $toCurrency)
$currencyUrl = $amount."usd+to+$toCurrency";
$url = "https://www.google.com/search?q=".$currencyUrl;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

$result = curl_exec($ch);
$data = explode("$amount US Dollar = ",$result);
return (float) substr($data[1],0,10);

//Usage: oneUSDTo("type currency code here");
echo oneUSDTo("5","EUR");


seems you have to signup for an api key, I think

You can also check: https://free.currencyconverterapi.com

Disclaimer, I'm the author of this website.

A sample conversion URL is: http://free.currencyconverterapi.com/api/v6/convert?q=PHP_EUR,EUR_PHP&compact=ultra&apiKey=sample-api-key which will return a value in json format, e.g. {"PHP_EUR":0.016434,"EUR_PHP":60.849184}

You should note about the limitations though like maximum requests and queries (details found the website). I've implemented limits because there have been abusers of the service.

I've started this since 2014 and has been up ever since (aside from the link change and maintenance down times along the way). I personally use it for my other websites, and provided the service publicly so it can help other devs as well.

Anyway hope this helps, and here's a sample PHP code:

function convertCurrency($amount, $from, $to){
  $conv_id = "{$from}_{$to}";
  $string = file_get_contents("https://free.currencyconverterapi.com/api/v6/convert?q=$conv_id&compact=ultra&apiKey=sample-api-key");
  $json_a = json_decode($string, true);

  return $amount * round($json_a[$conv_id], 4);

echo(convertCurrency(5, "USD", "PHP"));

//  replace this key from  fixer.io after getting  a free API access key:

$API = '314259bbe6de76b961c84a5244ac0fc0';

function convertCurrency($API, $amount, $from = 'EUR', $to = 'USD'){
  $curl = file_get_contents("http://data.fixer.io/api/latest?access_key=$API&symbols=$from,$to");

    $arr = json_decode($curl,true);
        $from = $arr['rates'][$from];
        $to = $arr['rates'][$to];

        $rate = $to / $from;
        $result = round($amount * $rate, 6);
        return $result;
        echo $arr['error']['info'];
    echo "Error reaching api";

echo convertCurrency($API, 1, 'USD', 'EGP');


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