I am trying to get the statusbar to update with the FPS of the contents of a QGLWidget. I have connected them as follows (In class MainWin):
glWidget = new GLWidget;
connect(glWidget, SIGNAL( updateFPSSignal(float) ),
this, SLOT( updateFPSSlot(float) ));
The slot is as follows:
void MainWin::updateFPSSlot(float fps){
this->statusBar()->showMessage(QString::number(fps), 0);
In the MainWin class definition, I have:
public slots:
void updateFPSSlot(float fps);
And the signal is as follows: (From what I understand, this shouldn't be here, but the program refuses to compile without it).
void GLWidget::updateFPSSignal(float fps){}
I have the following in the GLWidget class definition:
void updateFPSSignal(float fps);
After calculating the fps, I call:
emit updateFPSSignal(fps);
However, when the app starts up, the following is printed out:
O开发者_开发技巧bject::connect: No such signal QGLWidget::updateFPSSignal(float) in /Users/usm/Desktop/OGLTest/MainWin.cpp:12
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'MainWinClass')
None of the tutorials I've read seem to be any help, and I'm sure the fix is simple for someone more experienced.
do you have
class GLWidget : public QGLWidget {
/* ... rest of declaration ... */
in your class declaration? and have you put your glwidget.h header into the HEADERS section of your .pro file? the implementation of a signal is done by moc, not you.