I have a checkbox couple with values "new" or "existing" company.
with jQuery shows me the value of the checked box.
Now if I do:if ($("input[name=company]:checked").val() == "new") {
is_new_company = true;
} else {
is_new_company = false;
I get the correct booleans.
Doing the shortcut:($("input[name=company]:checked").val() == "new") ? is_new_company = true : is_new_company = false;
I get nothing.. Why is that?
Why don't you just do:
is_new_company = $("input[name=company]:checked").val() == "new";
I tried your code on Firebug console and it works fine: (input[name=q]
is the search box at the top right corner of this page)
var x;
$("input[name=q]").val() == "asd" ? x = "t r u e" : x = "f a l s e";
console.log(x);//worked as expected
By the way, I consider the following to be more readable (I'd use it only for non-boolean values, of course):
x = $("input[name=q]").val() == "asd" ? "t r u e" : "f a l s e";
is_new_company = ($("input[name=company]:checked").val() == "new") ? true : false;
is_new_company = ($("input[name='company']:checked").val() == "new") ? true : false;