I am trying to make a Generic FindControl method and I get the following error:
Cannot convert type 'System.Windows.Forms.Control' to 'T'
public T Control<T>(String id)
foreach (Control ctrl in MainForm.Controls.Find(id, true))
return (T)ctrl; // Form Controls have unique names, so no more iterations needed
throw new Exception("Control not found!");
try this
public T Control<T>(String id) where T : Control
foreach (Control ctrl in MainForm.Controls.Find(id, true))
return (T)ctrl; // Form Controls have unique names, so no more iterations needed
throw new Exception("Control not found!");
You could always bend the rules and do a double cast. Eg:
public T Control<T>(String id)
foreach (Control ctrl in MainForm.Controls.Find(id, true))
return (T)(object)ctrl;
throw new Exception("Control not found!");
As T is unconstrained, you could pass anything for the type parameter. You should add a 'where' constraint to your method signature:
public T Control<T>(string id) where T : Control
How are you calling this method, have you got an example?
Also, I'd add a constraint to your method:
public T Control<T>(string id) where T : System.Windows.Forms.Control
While other people have already correctly pointed out what the problem is, I just want to chime in that this would be quite suitable for an extension method. Don't upvote this, this is actually a comment, I'm just posting it as an answer so that I can gain the ability to write longer and format my code better ;)
public static class Extensions
public static T FindControl<T>(this Control parent, string id) where T : Control
return item.FindControl(id) as T;
So that you can invoke it like so:
Label myLabel = MainForm.Controls.FindControl<Label>("myLabelID");
Change your method signature to this:
public T Control<T>(String id) where T : Control
Stating that all T's are in fact of type Control
. This will constrain T and the compiler knows you can return it as T.