Just as the topic say. I want to change the default controller/:id routing to controller/:name instead in Rails 3. In Rails 2 you used named routing with something like this:
map.location 'location/:name',
:controller => 'your_开发者_运维问答controller', :action => 'your_action'
alternate named route
map.location 'goto/:name', :controller => 'location', :action => 'your_action'
examples of URL specification in a view
<%= link_to 'foo', location_url({:name => 'foo'}) %>
<%= link_to 'bar', location_path({:name => 'bar'}) %>
But i'm sure there is another (better) way in Rails 3.
If the :name is a unique identifier of the object, you can you https://github.com/norman/friendly_id for general permalink support for ActiveRecord.
Just by specified
has_friendly_id :name
you'll get automatically routing like
instead of
Not sure but may this would help you.
match 'user_delete/:name', :to => 'sessions#destroy'
this is same as
map.user_delete '/user_delete/:name', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'destroy'
Try this:
match 'location/:name' => 'your_controller#your_action', :as => location
If you have location.name, then you could link_to it like this:
<%= link_to 'foo', location_path(location.name) %>
will give you the url /locations/:name
as opposed to
<%= link_to 'foo', location %> #same as <%= link_to 'foo', location_path(location) %>
which will give you /locations/:id