I've spent hours trying to figure this one out. This is for a manufacturing plant.
A person on the plant floor logs their activities on different machines using a computer system which produces data like this:
Empnbr Datestamp Shift Machnbr Time
00090 6/30/2010 1 0354 11:10
00090 6/30/2010 1 S 12:00
00098 6/30/2010 1 0920 7:00
00098 6/30/2010 1 0143 7:30
00098 6/30/2010 1 S 15:00
00101 6/30/2010 开发者_StackOverflow 1 0920 7:00
00101 6/30/2010 1 0247 7:30
00101 6/30/2010 1 0147 7:40
00101 6/30/2010 1 S 15:00
00107 6/30/2010 1 0585 7:00
00107 6/30/2010 1 0143 12:00
00107 6/30/2010 1 S 15:00
00109 6/30/2010 1 0920 7:00
00109 6/30/2010 1 0154 7:30
00109 6/30/2010 1 0154 9:00
00109 6/30/2010 1 0154 9:43
00109 6/30/2010 1 0254 10:49
00109 6/30/2010 1 0154 12:30
00109 6/30/2010 1 S 15:00
00111 6/30/2010 1 0591 5:00
00111 6/30/2010 1 S 17:00
00114 6/30/2010 2 0585 15:00
00114 6/30/2010 2 S 23:00
The report I'm trying to write needs the information in such a form
Empnbr Datestamp Shift Time Start Time End Machine
This will allow me to calculate the amount of time spent on each machine per person per day. Basically, Access needs to see an employee number, datestamp, and shift and take the first time it sees. Then needs to take the next time it sees and attribute that time to the machine on the first entry. This continues to happen until Access comes across a machine "S" which means signout.
Now time to take some Advil for this headache -- thanks for your help!
I would use a temporary table. When you want to display the report use VBA code to go through your input table, build the report data, and populate the temporary table. Then display your report using the data in the temporary table. The function to populate the reporting table would look something like this:
Public Sub BuildReportTable()
Dim prevEmp As Integer
Dim prevDate As Date
Dim prevTime As Date
Dim prevMachine As String
Dim prevShift As Integer
Dim rs As Recordset
'Empty report table
CurrentDb.Execute "delete from tblHourReport"
'Open the data table
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblHours", dbOpenDynaset)
If Not rs.EOF Then rs.MoveFirst
'Loop over each data record and create the report record
prevEmp = 0
Do While Not rs.EOF
If prevEmp <> 0 And prevMachine <> "S" Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "insert into tblHourReport values (" _
& prevEmp & ", '" _
& prevDate & "', '" _
& prevMachine & "', " _
& prevShift & ", '" _
& prevTime & "', '" _
& rs!Time & "');"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End If
prevDate = rs!Date
prevShift = rs!shift
prevEmp = rs!employee
prevTime = rs!Time
prevMachine = rs!machine
End Sub
Is there any reason why a grouping query would not suit? For example:
SELECT Empnbr, Datestamp, Shift, Machnbr,
Min(CDate([datestamp] & " " & [Time])) AS TimeStart,
Max(CDate([datestamp] & " " & [Time])) AS TimeEnd
FROM MachineLog
GROUP BY Empnbr, Datestamp, Shift, Machnbr
EDIT re comment
SELECT m.Empnbr, m.Datestamp, m.Shift, m.Machnbr,
Nz((SELECT Max(CDate([datestamp] & " " & [Time]))
FROM MachineLog x WHERE x.Empnbr=m.Empnbr
AND x.Machnbr<m.Machnbr),CDate([datestamp] & " 08:00")) AS st,
Max(CDate([datestamp] & " " & [Time])) AS TimeEnd
FROM MachineLog m
GROUP BY m.Empnbr, m.Datestamp, m.Shift, m.Machnbr