i am using asp.net with c#
and i want to bind my data to the gridview
i have success fully done that by wizard
but now it is show me this error
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlDataAdapter dbadapter = null;
DataSet dbdata = new DataSet();
using (SqlConnection dbconn = new SqlConnection("Server=CJ\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=elligiblity;User ID=sa;Password=123;Trusted_Connection=False;"))
dbadapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Main_Table", dbconn);
GridView1.DataSource =开发者_开发问答 dbdata;
i am getting this error Both DataSource and DataSourceID are defined on 'GridView1'. Remove one definition
You cannot specify custom binding from code if gridview is already binded to a datasource. Either remove DataSourceID in gridview properties from your aspx page or change the select command of the sql datasource to which it is binded from code like,
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
sdsFtrtDet.SelectParameters.Clear(); // Clear any innitial parameters of your sql datasource which is binded with gridview
sdsFtrtDet.SelectCommand = "select * from tableA"; //Specify new query
sdsFtrtDet.DataBind(); // Data Bind
You probably are not seeing your gridview because you would have used template fields binded with datasource ? You can use another gridview to bind with your 2nd query. Leave the 1st gridview as it is so you wont get in trouble with template fields.
So that means that in your markup, you're specifying a value for DataSourceID, but then in the code you've shown, you're setting DataSource. DataSourceID and DataSource are mutually exclusive.