I'm trying to write a Rubyish solution to problem 6 in Project Euler, because I have the propensity to write C in other languages. However, this code:
sqrsum, sumsqr = 0, 0
(1..100).each { |x| sqrsum, sumsqr += x, x**2 }
p (sumsqr - (sqrsum ** 2))
kicks up these errors:
/Users/Andy/Documents/Programming/Ruby/ProjectEuler/P开发者_如何学Go6.rb:2: syntax error, unexpected tOP_ASGN, expecting '='
(1..100).each { |x| sqrsum, sumsqr += x, x**2 }
/Users/Andy/Documents/Programming/Ruby/ProjectEuler/P6.rb:2: syntax error, unexpected tPOW, expecting '='
(1..100).each { |x| sqrsum, sumsqr += x, x**2 }
What am I doing wrong here? Am I only allowed to assign in that syntactic structure?
You are trying to make multiple assignments, but you are not using the assignment operator =
Compare sqrsum, sumsqr = 0, 0
with sqrsum, sumsqr += x, x**2
Probably you wanted to write sqrsum, sumsqr = sqrsum+x, sumsqr+x**2
why not just do { |x| sqrsum += x; sumsqr += x**2}
you could also use inject
sqrsum, sumsqr = (1..100).inject(:+), (1..100).inject(0) { |result,x| result + x**2 }
p(sumsqr - sqrsum**2)
[edit: thanks to commenters for pointing out :+ shorthand]
Do you want that
sqrsum, sumsqr = sumsqr + x, x**2