I'm trying to make a class that will get a list of numbers then print them out when I need. I need to be able to make 2 objects from the class to get two different lists. Here's what I have so far
class getlist:
def newlist(self,*number):
开发者_如何学C lst=[]
def printlist(self):
return lst
Sorry I'm not very clear, I'm a bit new to oop, can you please help me cos I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks.
In Python, when you are writing methods inside an object, you need to prefix all references to variables belonging to that object with self. - like so:
class getlist:
def newlist(self,*number):
self.lst += number #I changed this to add all args to the list
def printlist(self):
return self.lst
The code you had before was creating and modifying a local variable called lst, so it would appear to "disappear" between calls.
Also, it is usual to make a constructor, which has the special name __init__
class getlist:
#Init constructor
def __init__(self,*number):
self.lst += number #I changed this to add all args to the list
def printlist(self):
return self.lst
Finally, use like so
>>> newlist=getlist(1,2,3, [4,5])
>>> newlist.printlist()
[1, 2, 3, [4,5]]
You should use "self.lst" instead of "lst". Without the "self", it's just internal variable to current method.