Using the Interop.WMPLib.dll to play mp3 files on Windows Mobile 6.x, but I can't get the GC to cleanly dispose of itself. I need to play a short mp3 (20-30 seconds) every 5 minutes for a long-running app (one hour or more), so I cannot afford to not have the GC dispose of the lib correctly. One solution was discussed on SO (Why is this simple Mobile Form not closed when using the player) by @ajhvdb but it is not a good enough solution for me, because the timer hack is not consistent (I needed to sometimes use timings of 10,000 or more).
Can someone recommend a better way of handling Dispose() or just another way I can get mp3 files playing with Windows Mobile 6.x?
What I currently have (thanks to @ajhvdb) is:
public void Dispose()
catch (Exception)
// need this otherwise the process won't exit?!
int ret = Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(myPlayer);
catch (Exception)
myPlayer = null;
//If you don't do this, it will not quit
for (int s = 0; s < 100; s++)
//MessageBox.Show("Application Exiting");
Are you using the AxHost stuff from the MSDN article? If so, there's a bug in it that causes objects to not get cleanly destroyed.