i´m trying to use 2 a dll (OCX) in my application but when i want to call a function how can i do soo?
how can i call this funcion
.... "TGUID"???
in the dll is
IID_IMeasurement: TGUID = '{97E75BE0-AF26-4E4A开发者_运维知识库-B651-C5DDECEC2936}';
or is the approach wrong??
Sounds like you may need some basic introduction to COM Programming.
It sounds like you have imported the library. But you need to learn how to call the functions that holds.
First off look at the bottom of the import unit (right above the implementation keyword) you will find several classes named CoXXX where XXX is usually the name of the interface you want to create.
The CoXXX Classes will look like this:
CoXXX = class
class function Create: IXXX;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXXX;
So taking a guess at the information you have provided.
M : IMeasurement;
M := CoIMeasurement.Create