I'm a beginner with XUL. I have the following problem.
In the browser overlay I declare a menu item which opens a new window - so far so good.
menu_entry.addEventListener('command', function() {
}, false);
I'd like this to be more flexible. If the window is already open, it should be focused instead. This is what I have tried
menu_entry.addEventListener('command'开发者_如何学C, function() {
let mywindow = document.getElementById('myextension-mywindow');
if (mywindow) {
else {
}, false);
The problem is that document.getElementById('myextension-mywindow') always returns null, so I never enter the if. I guess this is because the window is another chrome in itself.
But if this is so, how can I make the windows interact with each other? Is it possible to focus a window from a widget in another window? I cannot do this from a module, since document and window are not available there.
I finally found I have to use the nsiWindowMeditator. All I had to do is
menu_entry.addEventListener('command', function() {
let windowManager = Cc['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].
let mywindow = windowManager.getMostRecentWindow('mywindowtype');
if (mywindow) {
else {
}, false);
and then in the xul
<window id="myextension-mywindow" windowtype="mywindowtype>