On a root page in my project I have a number of different country services gathered by category all on one page. The Category is the "Index" page in the View folder in a separate area, and the particular service is the "Details" view. I want the user to be able to jump straight past the category in the (in this case China) area to that particular services detail.
I have this:
<%=Html.ActionLink("More Info", "Details", "ParticularChinaServiceControllerName", new { area = "China" }, new { id = p.ID })%>
but the framework will not pick up the id.
The route is registered as: public override string AreaName { get { r开发者_如何学编程eturn "China"; } }
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Can someone show me how to make this work correctly?
Change your controller name from "ParticularChinaServiceController" to "ParticularChinaService" and see if that fixes the issue.
Wait, that last argument:
new { id = p.Id }
...is actually the htmlAttributes argument, and will apply that id as an attribute of the hyperlink generated in html. Change the previous argument to this:
new { area = "China", id = p.Id }
And drop the last argument (unless you need to apply some specific client side attributes).