How do you order by number if your number can fall below and be bigger than 0?
Example Mysql table:
|Me | -8 |
|Bill| 5 |
|Tom | 2 |
|Saly| 0 |
|San.| -3 |
Example select query
$sql="SELECT ka开发者_如何学JAVArma FROM table ORDER BY karma DESC";
The result I get is this (separated by comma): 5,2,0,-8,-3. Shouldn't it be 5,2,0,-3,-8? I discovered somewhere in the internet that mysql orders by string. How to make it order by number?
will be ordered as a string if you have made it a string, i.e. a varchar
Convert the column to a INT
, and it will order numerically.
You also have the option of not changing the table, but casting the column into the right type while sorting:
SELECT karma FROM table ORDER BY CAST(karma AS int) DESC
but that is bad for performance.
There's another weirdest option:
SELECT karma FROM table ORDER BY karma+0 DESC