I want to strip all the html away from the left and right开发者_JS百科 of the textual value:
I have this...
<option value="41">GECommonUI</option>
I want to get this...
in excel
select all
open replace (ctrl+f)
replace <*>
with nothing
or use perl regex
$line = "This is some text with HTML and words";
$line =~ s/<(.*?)>//gi;
Set a reference to MS Forms 2.0 to use the DataObject object.
Public Function StripHTML(sInput As String) As String
Dim rTemp As Range
Dim oData As DataObject
Set oData = New DataObject
oData.SetText "<html><style>br{mso-data-placement:same-cell;}</style>" & sInput & "</html>"
Set rTemp = Workbooks.Add.Worksheets(1).Range("a1")
rTemp.Parent.PasteSpecial "Unicode Text"
StripHTML = rTemp.Text
rTemp.Parent.Parent.Close False
Set rTemp = Nothing
Set oData = Nothing
End Function
See http://www.dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2005/02/23/html-in-cells-ii/ for more info.
You can download an Excel file with a working user defined function =stripHTML() on the page below. The file has a working example and notes. This will solve your problem. Please note, you will have to allow macros on this Excel document for the function to work.
How is my function different?
Most functions I found did a good job of doing a global find and replace to delete all HTML tags that are enclosed in brackets <>.
However this deletes certain line breaks which causes the end result to look a smashed blob of text. I modified an existing function to add back line spaces so the end result keeps appropriate line breaks.
Secondly, the global HTML replaces attributes in brackets only <> All HTML special character notations will remain. Ex. instead of an ampersand &, you'll be left with the HTML version, &. To solve this problem, I inserted 87 replace lines to replace all HTML notations with the characters.
Function StripHTML(cell As Range) As String
Dim RegEx As Object
Set RegEx = CreateObject(“vbscript.regexp”)
Dim sInput As String
Dim sOut As String
sInput = cell.Text
sInput = Replace(sInput, “\x0D\x0A”, Chr(10))
sInput = Replace(sInput, “\x00″, Chr(10))
‘replace HTML breaks and end of paragraphs with line breaks
sInput = Replace(sInput, “</P>”, Chr(10) & Chr(10))
sInput = Replace(sInput, “<BR>”, Chr(10))
‘replace bullets with dashes
sInput = Replace(sInput, “<li>”, “-”)
‘add back all of the special characters
sInput = Replace(sInput, “–”, “–”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “—”, “—”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “¡”, “¡”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “¿”, “¿”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “"”, “”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, ““”, ““”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “””, “””)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “”, “‘”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “‘”, “‘”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “’”, “’”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “«”, “«”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “»”, “»”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ ”, ” “)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “&”, “&”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “¢”, “¢”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “©”, “©”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “÷”, “÷”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “>”, “>”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “<”, “<”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “µ”, “µ”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “·”, “·”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “¶”, “¶”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “±”, “±”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “€”, “€”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “£”, “£”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “®”, “®”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “§”, “§”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “™”, “™”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “¥”, “¥”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “á”, “á”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Á”, “Á”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “à”, “à”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “À”, “À”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “â”, “â”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “”, “”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “å”, “å”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Å”, “Å”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ã”, “ã”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ô, “Ô)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ä”, “ä”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ä”, “Ä”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “æ”, “æ”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Æ”, “Æ”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ç”, “ç”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ç”, “Ç”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “é”, “é”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “É”, “É”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “è”, “è”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “È”, “È”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ê”, “ê”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ê”, “Ê”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ë”, “ë”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ë”, “Ë”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “í”, “í”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Í”, “Í”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ì”, “ì”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ì”, “Ì”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “î”, “î”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Δ, “Δ)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ï”, “ï”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ï”, “Ï”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ñ”, “ñ”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ñ”, “Ñ”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ó”, “ó”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ó”, “Ó”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ò”, “ò”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ò”, “Ò”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ô”, “ô”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ô”, “Ô”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ø”, “ø”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ø”, “Ø”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “õ”, “õ”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Õ”, “Õ”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ö”, “ö”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ö”, “Ö”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ß”, “ß”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ú”, “ú”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ú”, “Ú”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ù”, “ù”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ù”, “Ù”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “û”, “û”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Û”, “Û”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ü”, “ü”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “Ü”, “Ü”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “ÿ”, “ÿ”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “”, “´”)
sInput = Replace(sInput, “”, “`”)
‘replace all the remaining HTML Tags
With RegEx
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.MultiLine = True
.Pattern = “<[^>]+>” ‘Regular Expression for HTML Tags.
End With
sOut = RegEx.Replace(sInput, “”)
StripHTML = sOut
Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function
You can try VBScripts Regular Expression Support.
guys this is a simple set of string functions. as i am not up to speed on excel string functions this is a pain for me to figure out...
in a programing language this would go somethign like mid(start, length) to get the value from the full html string- the trick is to get the length as the start possition minus the lenth of th ending html lenght)
mid( pos(">")+2, len(string)-pos(">") )