INFORMIX-SQL 2.10.06E (DOS 6.22):
This is one of the legacy version of isql that runs in pure DOS, but didnt have support for DATETIME or CURRENT! However the ace report writer has the 'time' keyword constant which returns the time of day from the system clock in military format "hh:mm:ss". I could never understand why RDS (in those days, circa 1988) released a product which provides TODAY, but no TIME constant or dataty开发者_如何转开发pe, yet provides it only in ace, nor did RDS forsee the Y2K problem, etc. etc. Can anyone think of a trick, example: extract time from internal representation of TODAY or somewhere else embedded in the engine?.. from audit table?.. The clear solution would be to upgrade to isql 7.50 or at least 7.X. Some of my users have, but others are stubborn. I could create a cfunc to provide me with system time, but I can't even find custom runners cperf or cace or ESQL/C 2.10 for this legacy DOS version.
The problem was fixed in 1988 or 1989, Frank, and AFAICR it was fixed before some other DBMS of the same era had a time types.
Basically, the only way to deal with that problem in the version you are working with is via the ESQL/C you don't have. There are no backdoors, tricks or workarounds that I know of.
It is time to put that version of the code to rest.
The customer who won't move from it is causing you more pain than gain.