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Why there is not a comprehensive c archive network?
Everyone knows that C is very small language, it has just language primitives and almost no standard library (no data structures or algorithms).
Therefore I have a question, how do I find good C libraries for data structures, algorithms and perhaps system programming?
For example, if I need a hash-table, how do I find a good implementation? Or for example, if I need to work with graphs, what do I do?
So far I have been writing everything myself. But my hash table implementation is nowhere good enou开发者_如何学Pythongh. It's very basic.
What do advanced C programmers do with this problem? Do they really write all the libraries again themselves?
Thanks, Boda Cydo.
There really isn't anything as "go to" as Boost in C++ (STL doesn't count as its part of the standard).
Beyond GLib, there is APR
EDIT: CCAN has moved domains to https://ccodearchive.net/
There isn't any set way.... there's just a proliferation of all kinds of frameworks out there. Often there is different forces on what people want, eg, depending if its for embedded systems, PCs, flavor of OS, or whatever.